Hooray for the Arts

Day 2. 3 points of gratitude. Why is this so easy on some days and so hard on others? Sometimes it’s like grasping at straws… but, like anything, the more you do it, the easy it gets. Right?


Especially during work, I like to play music for background noise. It started when my previous boss put on CBSFM (bonus points if you know that station), which we bonded over. Thanks to open floor plans, when I left that job, I didn’t listen to music during work again… until working from home became my norm.

And I forgot how much I love it. Sometimes, I randomize my playlist. Sometimes, I have theme days (90s Rock, Divas, 2000s Hip Hop, Musicals). Sometimes, I pick out songs that make me cry (usually heavy on the Sarah McLachlan). I love music: listening to it, singing along with it, even playing it (ex-piano and violin player, here).


I love to read. Of course, I need to be sucked in, or at least entertained enough to make it through (I once started the Hobbit. Didn’t make it past the second chapter).

Recently, I’ve been cheating and listening to audio books – mainly because I was tired of falling asleep with my face resting on top of the pages.

There is never a lack of material, and always something new and interesting to be discovered.

Joining a book club a few years ago was one of the best things I could have done for myself. 


Although music could fall under this category, I’m referring to paintings. Prints. Sketches. The items you’d find on my walls.

I’ve always enjoyed art, but lately have started to invest in it. These investments aren’t monetary; rather, they’re investments in my mental health.

For my birthday, I splurged on a piece by Fabio Napoleoni. Every time I look at it, I can’t help but smile. It’s actually at the framers right now, so I don’t have the satisfaction of seeing it daily – yet – like I do the other pieces around my house. But soon, it will be back here, where it belongs. As Marie Kondo says, sparking joy.

A few hundred dollars seems a small price to pay for something that simply makes me so happy. Something that invokes a huge smile when I see it. Something that reminds me of being little, and carefree, and camping with my Dad.

As this experiment continues throughout the month, it’ll be interesting to see how it evolves. Will it get easier? Will I end up repeating things? Will I be able to combine sharing my gratitude with sharing my story? Stay tuned….

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